High Divide – Seven Lakes Basin Loop Dayhike

July 30th 2016

I have trouble calling this the Seven Lakes Basin Loop as many people do, since I have never actually been to Seven Lakes Basin proper. In my opinion, the hike is more appropriately called the High Divide Loop since the High Divide is the main feature and you really only skirt around the edge of the Seven Lakes Basin. But I guess you do go around the basin soooo.... whatever.

This was one of my last-minute type trips that I advertised on the Kitsap Hikers Facebook Group a day or two before the trip. I had three people who I had never hiked with express interest in the hike, and a fourth, my friend Paul who I had hiked with several times in the past. Being close to 20 miles, I vetted the newcomers to make sure they were up to the task before the day of the trip. Nothing like dragging someone along on a death march for 20 miles when a 10 miler would have been more suitable for them.

Group shot, minus me. Left to Right - Deborah, Jessica, Patti, and Paul
North Fork Sol Duc Trail
Pink (or Red) Mountain Heather
North Fork Sol Duc River Trail just below Heart Lake.
Selfie above Heart Lake.
Patti and Jessica on the High Divide. Mt Olympus in the background.
Magenta Indian Paintbrush
Mt Olympus from what I call the "Miracle Mile" on the High Divide.

Olympus from the High Divide
Lake Number 8 and Morgenroth Lake in the distance
Amazing ridge walking on the divide
Amazing ridge walking on the divide
Mountain Aster
Beautiful trail!
Bogachiel Peak and Seven Lakes Basin
Lots of Bear Grass Blooms
Seven Lakes Basin
Seven Lakes Basin
Seven Lakes Basin from Bogachiel Peak
Group shot on Bogachiel Peak
Paul on Bogachiel Peak
To continue the loop, we take a right at the low point (saddle) near the center of the image. The trail to left of center continues down to Hoh Lake and the Hoh River. The steep bank immediately to our right is Bogachiel Peak. Not pictured is the short spur trail near here that leads to the top of Bogachiel Peak.
This is looking back at the saddle we just passed. This view of Mt. Olympus is iconic, and has graced the cover of at least one trail guide as well as several magazines over the years.
Flowers still in bloom!
Flowers still in bloom!
The long and winding path
It was such a great day!
Paul on the downhill now.
You have to love walking in the forest and coming up to an opening in the trees with a view like this.
One of several lakes you pass on the way back to the trailhead.
Big Tree Butt
Lots of Huckleberries
Sol Duc Falls
Sol Duc Shelter
On Sol Duc Hot Springs Rd, a tree had fallen across the road making it impossible to drive out.
Luckily for us, Jessica had an axe in her truck and everyone trying either to escape or get to the trailhead, came together and cut the tree and moved it by hand.
Working together to move the fallen tree.
Thanks Jessica!
Thanks for looking at my High Divide report!

2 thoughts on “High Divide – Seven Lakes Basin Loop Dayhike

  • January 6, 2019 at 7:03 am

    One of my favorites! Thank you, Jay!

    • January 7, 2019 at 8:59 am

      Thanks Theresa, me too!


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