Tubal Cain-Marmot Pass-Dungeness Loop

I originally was not going hiking on this weekend but at the last minute I heard about an overnight trip that Doug and Paul were doing at Marmot Pass. I looked at the logistics and figured I could tag along and make a day trip out of the same hike. The added bonus being that I could shuttle with them since I would be coming out via a different trailhead. The hike was 17 miles and around 3500' elevation gain.

The "gang" at Marmot Pass.

We got to the Tubal Cain trailhead around 10:00. There were four of us - Barbra, Paul, Doug and myself. We hiked most of the afternoon, stopping for a quick lunch near the Tubal Cain mine, and a couple of rest and snack breaks along the way. At Windy Pass we took another good long break and Paul found a Geocache there. Shortly after Windy Pass, we were at Marmot Pass. After a few photo oportunities we parted ways as the rest of the group was camping at Marmot and I was headed back down to the car, another 8 miles away. It was 5:00 PM when I started heading down. The rest of the hike was pretty straightforward with only one hiccup. I lost the trail at Boulder Shelter. There is a tight switchback right before the shelter at an intersection there and instead of taking it (I didn't see it) I kept going straight to the shelter. This gave me the opportunity to take a few pictures of it but then I couldn't find a trail that went down. Some nice ladies that were camped there pointed me in the right direction and I was soon on my way. The only other thing of note on the rest of the trip was that I came across the biggest, freshest pile of bear s**t I've ever seen. The bear must have been pretty close, it looked that fresh. Hiking alone on the trail is something that I do often but I still get nervous sometimes about running into bears when I'm out there. For most of the trip descending down to the Dungeness river, I was calling out "hey bear" or singing some song out of tune to warn ursus of my presence. Once I got to the river, I wasn't as nervous so I ceased my warbling. I finally made it back to my car right at 7:30 PM. Too late for the steak I wanted but I knew the drive thru would still be open when I got to Silverdale. Fast food would have to suffice.

The "gang" at the trailhead.
Tubal Cain Mine.
Tubal Cain Mine.
Tubal Cain Trail.
Tubal Cain trail. Buckhorn Mountain in the distance.
Paul on the Tubal Cain mine trail.
Tubal Cain trail.
Buckhorn Lake trail off of the Tubal Cain trail.
Buckhorn Mountain.
Taking a break. Tubal Cain Trail.
Paul on the Tubal Cain trail. The needles in the distance.
Geocache King! Paul finds a geocache at Windy Gap/Buckhorn Pass.
Doug at Windy Gap/Buckhorn Pass.
Doug and Barbara at Windy Gap/Buckhorn Pass.
Good times, at Windy Gap/Buckhorn Pass.
Windy Gap/Buckhorn Pass.
Paul at Windy Gap/Buckhorn Pass.
Wild flowers along the Tubal Cain trail.
Tubal Cain Trail.
Tubal Cain Trail. Looking down at the Dungeness river valley. Milk Creek Drainage in the distance.
Tubal Cain trail. Looking into the Dungeness Valley.
Tubal Cain trail. Looking into the Dungeness Valley.
Tubal Cain trail. Looking into the Dungeness Valley, Milk Creek Drainage in the distance.
Tubal Cain trail.
Buckhorn Mountain from the Tubal Cain trail.
Tubal Cain Trail.
Tubal Cain Trail.
Wild flowers along the Tubal Cain trail.
Wild flowers along the Tubal Cain trail.
Wild flowers along the Tubal Cain trail.
Paul overlooking the Dungeness Valley from the Tubal Cain trail.
Tubal Cain trail just above Marmot Pass.
Tubal Cain trail just above Marmot Pass.
Marmot Pass
Marmot Pass
Marmot Pass
Marmot Pass
The "gang" at Marmot Pass.
Upper Dungeness Trail.
Wild flowers along the Upper Dungeness Trail.
Wild flowers along the Upper Dungeness Trail.
Wild flowers along the Upper Dungeness Trail.
Upper Dungeness Trail.
Upper Dungeness Trail, looking down into the Dungeness Valley.
Upper Dungeness Trail.
Upper Dungeness Trail.
Boulder Shelter from the Upper Dungeness Trail.
Day meets night in the Milk Creek drainage of the Dungeness Valley.

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